In this video teacher, trainer and writer talks about his session with editor and film producer Anna Whithcer, A Visual Manifesto for Language Teaching, at The Image Conference in Córdoba on 22nd November.
You can find out more about Kieran and Anna, and their session below.
Kieran Donaghy
Kieran Donaghy is a teacher, trainer and award-winning writer based in Barcelona with a special interest in the use of film in education. He works at UAB Idiomes Barcelona. His website on the use of film in language teaching Film English won a British Council ELTons Award for Innovation in Teacher Resources, and the most prestigious European media in education prize, the MEDEA Award for User-Generated Media in 2013. He is the co-author of Films in Health Sciences Education, and his methodology book on the use of film in language teaching for the Delta Teacher Development Series will be published in April 2015.
Anna Whitcher
Anna Whitcher is an editor, writer and producer of ELT materials and has a strong interest in film and its role in the language classroom. She graduated from UC Berkeley and has a Master’s in English Composition. She has taught ESL/EFL to teenagers and adults in the US and Europe.
A Visual Manifesto for Language Teaching
In this talk, we will discuss the evolution of the image and the significant role it can play in our lives if we are active participants in what we see and what we create. Through the deconstruction of a short film made specifically to illustrate this concept, we will explain a new visual manifesto for this age of the image. We will offer guidance on how we can become active learners and creators in this new world of images.