Teacher, trainer and writer Ben Goldstein answers The Image Conference Questionnaire.
Your favourite video website:
Short of the week http://www.shortoftheweek.com/
is a good place to go for short films to use in class. It’s user-friendly as it allows you to refine your search in terms of genre, style and topic. Meanwhile for edgier and more independent clips, it’s worth checking out: http://www.vice.com/en_uk/video
Your favourite image(s) to use in class:
Difficult to pick out one here, I guess of the images that feature in my handbook Working with images, the ones I return to again and again are 1) the subversive images from Adbusters, 2) Edward Hopper’s paintings and 3) Hiroshi Sugimoto’s photographs.
Useful video teaching tool
I’m interested in teacher and student presentations using tools such as Present Me https://present.me/ which allow you to show your slides on one side of the screen while you present them via video on the other.
Tell us a bit about your session:
Why are you interested in using film / video / images / games in your classes? (choose one or two options)
I’m interested in the way that communication is becoming more visual in general and how this impacts on what we do in and outside the classroom.
What should your audience expect to learn?
A broader view of the moving image’s role: reflecting on its use over the last decades and on where we’re heading in the future
What are three words that sum up your session?
Big picture perspective
Which other presenter(s) are you looking forward to seeing?
I’m looking forward to seeing Paul Driver’s talk, the title “Pervasive Playfulness and Mobile Technologies for Embodied Language Learning” is really intriguing.