Anna Whitcher talks about her Image Conference experience in Athens


Anna Whitcher, who delivered a training session on ‘Language learning through video creation’, talks about her experience at the Image Conference in Athens.

1. What did you enjoy about The Image Conference?
This year’s image conference at New York College had something very special about it. Maybe it was the warm Athens’ light on that first evening when we all met at the school for wine and cheese or perhaps it was the sense of hope and comradery that was building steadily over the weekend’s sessions and events. Whatever it was, it left a lasting positive impression and anticipation for next year’s conference when we can hopefully all meet up again.

2. How was The Image Conference different from other conferences you’ve been to?
The Image Conference is unique in that it is almost entirely about coming together because attendees have a shared goal and vision. They are there because they believe in the power of the image and feel that it can make a positive impact not only in the language classroom but also on the world.

3. What were the main discussion points to arise in The Image Conference?
One of the dominating themes this year was that of tolerance and acceptance. Whether we were discussing the experience of refugees or the openness to new definitions of self, it was clear that the image was being used to convey real meaning and was enabling people to tell their story.

4. Are there any innovations to the format of the Image Conference that you would like to see in the future?
The day and a half format is fantastic and gave us all the chance to really absorb the content of the sessions. The social evening before the conference as well as the farewell lunch gave attendees the opportunity to really discuss their ideas and learn from each other.
Also, having had the opportunity to deliver a training course this time, I think it should be something to consider keeping as part of the schedule for next year as the double session allowed time for participants to really delve into the topic in a more relaxed manner and practice some concrete skills.

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