Magdalena Dygala is a teacher and trainer based in Poland. Read an article and watch a video in which she talks about her session on at the Image Conference in Lisbon on Saturday 14th October.
Using technology in the EFL classroom has become widespread in today’s educational environment. Belonging to a fast-paced generation, students can become dependent on electronic devices, such as tablets, mobile phones or digital cameras. So why not make use of them in the classroom?
A good way to motivate your students to learn a foreign language is to involve them in video projects. Nowadays students of all ages love taking pictures and recording short videos of places and people that surround them in order to capture some moments of their lives. Making videos can be a great way to encourage students to develop critical thinking skills, enhance language skills and increase their motivation. After a 3-year-long evaluation of using video projects with my secondary school students, I’ve noticed that they have a great influence on students’ grades, motivation and engagement in problem solving tasks.
Involving students in video projects can also be a very good way to make a meaningful impact on the school community. After recording their own videos, students can give advice to upcoming students in class to prepare them for future challenges. Students can upload their videos on youtube or vimeo and share them with other schools to make connections across the globe.
If you want your students to stop to be a group of clock-watchers waiting impatiently for the end of class then come to my workshop and I’ll show you how to motivate your students to learn and how to keep them on their toes with their minds being active. I hope you’ll come and join me on Saturday afternoon, 14th October to have an opportunity to experience my video adventures. Look forward to seeing you there.
Magdalena Dygała is a teacher trainer and EFL teacher at high school in Poland. In 2014 she was one of the winners of the International Headway Scholarship and participated in a 2-week professional development course at Exeter College in Oxford. Magda loves involving her students in video projects as well as teaching English through music.
Lesson video adventures
Do you want to get some tips on how to make your class an unforgettable experience for your students? Then come and ‘see it, hear it and do it’ with me. In this workshop you will get inspired by ‘crazy video adventures’ which will give you the idea how you can engage your students in the process of learning.