Judy Boyle Talks about her Session at the Image Conference, Malta



Judy has worked in education as a teacher, teacher trainer and coursebook writer for over thirty years. As an ELT teacher at Harvard she was awarded Teaching in Excellence recognition. Judy is the founder of The NO Project, an award-winning global educational campaign against human trafficking and modern slavery.

Judy has this to say about the Image Conference and the No Project:

“We are thrilled to be part of The Image Conference 2016!
Really look forward to seeing you at the workshop October 6th.
The NO Project is an award winning, global anti-slavery educational campaign that specifically targets youth awareness of human trafficking through music, art, film, animation, dance, creative writing, education and social media. Please feel free to conatct us: info@thenoproject.org. Hope you enjoy the video!”

The NO Project Actions 2016 from The NO Project on Vimeo.

You can read more about Judy’s session here:

Through powerful, innovative, youth-oriented material using music,
art, film, dance, written narrative and animation, this presentation
examines practical, engaging ways to address awareness
of human trafficking and modern slavery in an ELT educational
context. Human trafficking and contemporary slavery is immediately
relevant to the well-being and future choices of the teenagers
and young adults in our classes. Remarkably, thousands of
ELT students and teachers globally are already confronting human
trafficking in their communities, schools and universities. This interactive
workshop aims to support educators so that they can
approach this challenging topic with confidence, accuracy and
sensitivity in their lessons.

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