Using film and video to help students to learn grammar, vocabulary and about Spanish culture
Working with language presented in a more visual way can be fun and help students in learning any language. The audiovisual industry and cinema have the potential to bring the viewer to a story, the culture of a country, and can also be understood as examples of real language. In this practical talk I will demonstrate different examples of how to use film and video in class and how to help students to learn grammar, vocabulary and about Spanish culture.
Laura Vazquez has been teaching Spanish and Spanish Cinema for over 10 years. She is now writing her dissertation on intercultural studies and cinema. She loves multiculturalism, new technologies and learning about other cultures. She works as a Faculty Advisor Educational Technology and teaches Spanish at IES Abroad Barcelona. She also works as a Spanish cinema and culture teacher at CEA Barcelona. She has two blogs, De cine on cinema, and MundoEle on Spanish as a foreign language.